VSCode extension for Beancount

Technology ,

Homepage: Beancount on Marketplace

Installation: ext install beancount

Source Code: Lencerf/vscode-beancount

This is a simple VSCode extension for Beancount, with the following features:

I wish to thank Chris for elaborating how to programmatically modify document contents and Martin for sharing the Beancount sytax file with me.

I started making this extension after I tried VSCode for one day. Previously I really did not like Electron Apps, perhaps because of POI for KanColle. POI slowed down my Mac and caused the fan spin fast. Certainly, KanColle is based on Flash. So my Mac became even hotter. I also tried Atom before. It also resulted in heats. Several days ago, after reading a post on VSCode, I downloaded it and found it is really good. At least, VSCode is fast and “cool”(literally) and its Python extension made me surprised. Writing Python in VSCode is just as pleasant as writing C# in Visual Studio. I can not bear the response delay of MacVim plus YouCompleteMe any more. So I decide to switch to VSCode.

But I did not find any existing VSCode extensions for Beancount. Although the syntax of Beancount is very simple, I still want a function to automatically align decimal points of commodities. That’s why I make this extension, although at the same time I much finish Quantum Mechanics 2 take-home midterm.

VSCode changes my opinions of Electron Apps, Javascript, and Microsoft. Actually now I think my bad impression on Javascript may just come from the fact that I have never written any Javascript codes by myself.