Embed figures of eps format in LaTeX papers -- with dvips

Academic ,

At the end of my earlier post on embedding figures of eps format into LaTeX papers, I wrote that we may get an ugly reference article list if dvips is used to generate the PDF file, which is caused by the package hyperref. Certainly, removing \usepackage{hyperref} is the most simple solution to this problem. But what if we do need them two simultaneously?

Today when I am trying PSTricks, I find dvipdfmx is unable to generate correct figures, while dvips is able. I guess that PSTricks needs the postscript of the article, while dvipdfmx generates the PDF copy from the dvi copy directly.

The problem is finally solved when I find this question on stackexchange. Some extra parameters are needed when hyperref is used with dvips:


However, why do we insist on latex? why not switch to xelatex?